Hockey Canada stands for safe sport that is free of maltreatment of any kind. We all play a role in creating a healthy culture that fosters safe sport practice and offers athletes, coaches and all members of the sport community strong resources in education and reporting.
The presence of maltreatment in sport requires a concerted and systemic effort by a variety of different organizations and governments to come together and identify solutions and clearly define roles and responsibilities.
Independent Safe Sport Complaint Processes

On October 27, 2022 Hockey Canada formally adopted the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS) and joined Abuse-Free Sport, the independent program to prevent and address maltreatment in sport in Canada. For national and international level programming, Hockey Canada, and its national level stakeholders have access to the services of the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC), which is responsible for the administration of the UCCMS for Hockey Canada and serves as the central hub of Abuse-Free Sport.
The UCCMS sets out our expectations for conduct and behaviour to advance a respectful sport culture that delivers quality, inclusive, accessible, welcoming and safe sport experiences. The UCCMS generally applies to all participants involved in Hockey Canada activities at a national level including but not limited to all events and teams over which Hockey Canada has jurisdiction such as national championships and national teams.
We expect that any individual involved in Hockey Canada activities conduct themselves with integrity and to the highest standards of conduct, in accordance with Hockey Canada values, as well as the UCCMS. Pursuant to the UCCMS, participants must report any actual or suspected cases of maltreatment to the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner by following the process laid out on OSIC’s website. OSIC is responsible for administering the UCCMS using trauma-informed processes that are compassionate, efficient and provide fairness, respect and equity to all parties involved.
Alternatively, you can contact the Canadian Sport Helpline, a bilingual national toll-free confidential helpline for harassment, abuse and discrimination. The Helpline provides a safe place for victims and witnesses of incidents of harassment, abuse and discrimination in sport to discuss their concerns.
The Canadian Sport Helpline will provide callers with advice on the next steps they can take, as well as direct them to the most appropriate international, national and local services and resources available to them, including the police, child protection services, existing provincial/territorial helplines, or any other relevant services. It provides professional listening and referral services by phone and text at 1-888-83-SPORT (77678) and by email at [email protected], from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET, seven days a week.

To learn more about Hockey Canada’s Independent Third-Party (ITP), how to submit a maltreatment complaint and more – please review the information on the ITP’s website.
Hockey Canada Safety Programs