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The power of Pond to Podium

More than 6,100 participants gleaned knowledge from Team Canada players and staff during the Pond to Podium Development Series, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive

Jason La Rose
February 12, 2021

While Canada’s National Women’s Team got on the ice for the first time at training camp last month, more than 6,100 people involved in hockey – players, coaches and parents – participated in the Pond to Podium Development Series.

Participants at all levels of the game connected directly with national team athletes and staff through 16 webinars that included skills sessions, holistic hockey training sessions, panel discussions and We Are Coaches clinics led by Hockey Canada women master coach developers.

“The participation of girls and women at all levels of hockey elevates our game and creates a thriving sport system,” says Teal Gove, manager of hockey development with Hockey Canada. “We hope the Pond to Podium Development Series encouraged all participants, in whatever their role, to strive for their personal podium so they can continue to gain all of the benefits hockey has to offer along the way.”

What did the participants take away from Pond to Podium? Check out a few testimonials.

“I was excited to attend the Core Values of Leadership session that was run by Gina Kingsbury. There were two areas that I felt made me better understand how I can become a better leader for my teammates. First and foremost, I learned it is important to be myself and not change who I am. Although I have the honour of wearing a letter on my jersey, I do not have to be serious all the time. I learned that it is important to have a balance with having fun with my teammates, connecting with them and being serious when I need to be. Secondly, I learned it is important to learn who my teammates are personally, to understand who they are on and off the ice. As a leader, it is important to create friendship and trust with your teammates, to ensure they feel comfortable talking to me. The session has given me a different perspective of what leadership is and how I can apply what I have learned to be a better leader, a better athlete and a better student.”

-- Ava Irwin, player (Burlington Girls Hockey Club)

“In the never-ending pursuit of being their best, highly-motivated coaches (from house league to national teams) seek information, advice and feedback. Ideally, you want to get those things from people with outstanding credentials and the right values. Hockey Canada’s Pond to Podium Development Series brought the best in girls and women’s hockey to our computer/phone screen. From Tara Watchorn’s A, B, Cs of playing defence to Howie Draper’s four Fs (fun, fast, fight, family) to Kori Cheverie and Vicky Sunohara addressing the importance of making the game enjoyable for their players, Pond to Podium is informative, insightful and interactive.”

-- Steve McAllister, coach (Kincardine Minor Hockey Association)

“As a parent of a young girl, it was inspirational to hear what leaders at the highest levels, such as Gina Kingsbury and Teal Gove, believe in. Having not been on the ice with her teammates during the pandemic, these webinars reinvigorated my daughter's passion for hockey and reminded her why she loves the game. The advice she received from two tremendous role models advanced her knowledge of the game, which will in turn motivate her and her team when they return to the ice.”

-- Melina Ducharme, parent (Burlington Girls Hockey Club)

“Watching the Pond to Podium sessions became a family affair! My U18 daughter (a defenceman), my U15 son (a goaltender) and I all thoroughly enjoyed the webinars. They were well-organized with very knowledgeable presenters who covered a wide range of useful teaching points and concepts that can be easily incorporated into practices or into a player’s regimen. I especially enjoyed Tara Watchorn’s concept of communicating the purpose of drills so players understand why and can more readily internalize the lesson (Developing Defence); Jessica Campbell’s philosophy of continuous development of skating skills being essential for all players to get a leg up in the game (Specialized Skating Skills); Gord Woodhall’s identification of the foundation of stance in everything a goalie does (Goaltending); and Paula McQuaid’s assertion that confidence and mental toughness are learned skills that can be improved through understanding what one can control, reframing situations positively and managing one’s emotions (Mental Training). A wealth of great ideas and lessons for players and coaches to take their game to the next level!”

-- Jeff Partrick, coach (Gloucester-Cumberland Girls Hockey Association)

“I thoroughly enjoyed the We Are Coaches programming during the Pond to Podium series. I have taken coach courses in the past, but this was my first experience in an all-women coaching program geared toward coaching women. I took so much more away from this than I have in previous courses. It made me think about things that I hadn’t thought of, and the group dynamic created an atmosphere that allowed for collaboration between coaches across our country. It was motivating, inspiring and what I think is needed to get more women involved in coaching and, ultimately, to continue to grow the women’s game. Thank you so much for this opportunity!”

-- Kristy Provost, coach (Nampa Minor Hockey Association)

“The broad scope and variety of the Pond to Podium topics was impressive. Athletes, coaches and parents could all learn from the various sessions. For our athletes to hear from women at the highest levels speaking openly and honestly about their experience, the ups and downs they have gone through, was very impactful. I love that the focus for the players was off the ice (mental, leadership and off-ice workouts) and all were topics within their control to take ownership of and work on to improve. The sessions were inspiring to those of us who love the game, who are proud to be a part of Hockey Canada and who are driven to keep getting better.”

-- Ryan Essex, coach (Central York Girls Hockey Association)

Would you like to be kept in the know regarding the next Pond to Podium Development Series? Register below to receive more information as it becomes available.

Women's and girls' hockey discussion paper published

Paper identifies six barriers negatively impacting women’s and girls’ hockey

October 22, 2024

CALGARY, Alberta – Hockey Canada has published Building the Future of Women’s and Girls’ Hockey, a discussion paper overseen by a 15-person steering committee of individuals with significant experience in women’s hockey and sport, and chaired by Gillian Apps, a Hockey Canada board member and National Women’s Team alumna.

The paper is intended to inform all Canadians who are invested in the success of women’s and girls’ hockey across the country on the current challenges that exist in the women’s game, to help collectively remove those barriers at all levels and help the sport realize its full potential in Canada.

“It is incredibly exciting to think about the future of women’s and girls’ hockey in Canada, and we hope that when reading the paper, Canadians feel engaged, energized and invited to be on this journey with us,” said Apps. “The opportunity we have to capitalize on the increased interest in women’s and girls’ hockey is tremendous, and our committee is committed to helping Hockey Canada and its Members continue to grow the game. 

“One day, we hope no girl is kept from participating in hockey because of gender-based barriers, however we acknowledge there is much more work to be done to ensure a successful future for women’s and girls’ hockey.”

Six key barriers were identified in the paper which are negatively impacting the growth and potential of women’s and girls’ hockey: structure, equity in resource allocation, policy and governance, education and training, data, and visibility and celebration.

The paper also reflects on the current state of women’s and girls’ hockey in Canada and introduces Vision 2030, which aims to have over 170,000 women and girls on the ice by 2030.

In the coming weeks, IMI International will launch a formal research process that will seek feedback from athletes, coaches, officials, administrators, volunteers, fans and Canadians on women’s and girls’ hockey, which will support the committee’s work to develop recommendations to guide Hockey Canada’s – and Canada’s – next strategic plan for the women’s and girls’ game.

Building the Future of Women’s and Girls’ Hockey can be found here.

To learn more about Hockey Canada, please visit, or follow along through social media on FacebookX and Instagram.

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A goaltender tracks the puck in the crease during a drill.

7 Principles for Coaches: Goaltending

One of seven principles of coaching, developing fundamental goaltending skills at a young age ensures netminders will build a strong foundation for success in the crease

September 22, 2024

7 COACHING PRINCIPLES: Skating | Puck Control | Vision & Scanning | Deception | Creative & Dynamic | Angling | Goaltending

Goaltending coaching focuses on developing the specialized skills needed for the position, emphasizing skating, positioning, puck-tracking and puck-handling. It is critical for goaltenders to perform at their best in each of these areas and respond quickly to the fast pace of the game.

Importance of Skating

Skating is arguably the most crucial aspect of goaltending, forming the foundation for quick movements, effective positioning and making saves. Unlike regular players, who skate primarily forward and backward, goalies need to master specific movements that allow them to cover the crease and react to plays with precision. Strong skating skills enable goalies to stay agile and adjust quickly to changing the game situations.

Effective Positioning

Proper tracking is another key component of goaltending, directly influencing a netminder’s ability to react to shots, control rebounds and anticipate plays. A goalie with excellent puck-tracking can read plays more effectively, make quicker saves and stay in position for multiple shot attempts.

Enhancing Puck-Handling Skills

Puck-handling is no longer just for forwards and defenders. Goaltenders who can handle the puck well reduce pressure from forecheckers, assist in defensive-zone transitions and set up breakouts for teammates. Effective puck-handling helps teams maintain possession, relieve pressure during dump-ins and can even contribute to offensive opportunities.

Teaching Goaltending at All Age Levels

Developing these fundamental goaltending skills at all levels of play ensures goalies build a strong foundation early, allowing them to adapt to higher levels of competition and become game-changers for their teams.

Here are three drills that can be used at all ages to teach goaltending fundamentals:

Drill #1 – Warm-Up / Crease Skating

  • Start at the post in an athletic stance.
  • Rotate and power slide to face-off dots and slot (look, lean, load).
  • Use post-to-post and low-to-high sequences.
  • Recover to stand and repeat.

Key Teaching Points:

1. Lead with eyes, stick and skate (Look).
2. Rotate shoulders, glove and stick (Lean).
3. Maintain quiet upper body.

Drill #2 – Flash Screen Drill

  • Goaltender tracks the puck to the slot, then back to corner.
  • Goaltender should remain connected to the puck as the screen comes out of the corner.
  • Track the rebound out.

Key Teaching Points:

1. Stay unfazed by the traffic passing through the crease.
2. Use peripheral vision to stay connected to the puck.

Drill #3 – Report to Corner Passing

  • Coach starts with pucks on the half wall.
  • Goaltender is square to coach on the wall.
  • Coach rims puck along the boards; the goaltender leaves net, stops puck and passes it to the player in corner.
  • Teammate calls for a pass.
  • Sequence should be repeated so the goaltender must stop and play the rim to both forehand and backhand sides.

Key Teaching Points:

1. Depending on the strength of the rim, goalies should be using two hands to stop the puck. Top hand (blocker) on the knob of the stick and bottom hand (glove) where the shaft meets the paddle of the stick.
2. Goaltender must look first to see their target before making a pass.

The Hockey Canada Network gives coaches and players the tools to succeed with drills, skills, videos, practice plans and articles on their tablet or phone. There are over 1,500 drills and more than 100 lesson plans available.

Looking for more skills and drills? Hockey Canada frequently posts skill videos on its social channels that can be incorporated into practice plans. Search the #HCSkillsCoach and #HCGoalieCoach on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to find more drill videos to utilize on the ice.

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Beyond physical skills

Skating, passing and shooting are important, but so too is cultivating mental performance in young athletes

Lucas Madill
September 21, 2024

During my first session with every team I work with, I ask players to tell me how important mental skills are to their performance in comparison to their physical skills. Without hesitation, they will shout out “50/50,” “60/40,” “70/30,” or even “80/20.”

The next question I ask is if they spend as much time working on mental skills as they do physical skills, and the answer is always “no.” That’s because most players think mental skills practice has to occur at its own designated time, exclusive from physical practice. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

As coaches and parents, we are uniquely positioned to help young athletes practice mental performance skills during every drill, game, whistle break and car ride home. Our knowledge of mental performance skills does not have to be high to effectively do this. As Samuel Johnson once said, “People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.”

What should you be reminding your young athletes about? Here are three simple ideas to help foster a growth mindset and a resilient attitude.


Hockey is a game of mistakes and, by default, our brains are negative. Young athletes regularly revert to negative self-talk when they make mistakes without understanding the consequences. Sometimes it’s simply a public display of self-berating to show their coach and teammates they aren’t happy with their poor performance, and other times it is simply frustration rising to the surface.

We can’t ask athletes to lie to themselves and say, “It’s ok, you will succeed,” or “Don’t worry, next shift will be better,” because it may not be, and failure may occur no matter what. But talking negatively to themselves has a similar effect on their physiology to when a coach or teammate is berating them.

What we can ask them to repeat to themselves are constructive phrases that focus on attributes that are not attached to their physical skills. They can say, “You’re a warrior, you will compete not matter what,” “You’re a battler, you won’t stay down for long,” or “You’re a problem solver, you’ll keep working figure this out.” These qualities will soon become what the athlete identifies themself by, and unlike heavy legs or rusty hands, they can’t be stripped away from them on a bad day.

Focusing techniques

I once heard LeBron James say, “I don’t rest on the bench, I recover.” Ever since then, I have talked to athletes about turning their rest intervals between shifts in a game, or even between drill repetitions at practice, into a recovery interval. During that time, I ask them to revert to a brief breathing routine that allows them to mentally reset.

The neuroscientist Andrew Huberman has described using multiple physiological sighs (inhale, followed by another inhale, followed by a long exhale) in succession to improve mental recovery. I ask athletes to practice a few repetitions of a technique like this before thinking about anything else after a shift/drill. Once the brain is settled, they can resume visualizing what they need to do next to be successful.

Deliberate practice

Failure is essential to improvement, and overcoming failure helps athletes become resilient people with a growth mindset. Deliberate practice, also known as deep practice, is the purposeful execution of a skill. It is not the perfect execution of a skill. It is the opposite of “auto-pilot.”

Athletes frequently need to be reminded that pushing themselves to fail, and then using the feedback they get from that failure to minimize it next time, is the best thing they can do for their development. When an athlete is going through the motions, nothing is being imprinted on their brain.

According to author Mathew Syed, when athletes push themselves beyond their limits and force themselves to “jumble” a task, that microsecond of struggle is where improvement takes place. A practice without failure is likely a practice without improvement.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A certified member of the Canadian Sport Psychology Association (CSPA), Lucas Madill has worked as a mental performance consultant with teams throughout the Program of Excellence since 2017, including with Canada’s gold medal-winning National Junior Team in 2023. A native of Kirkland, Quebec, Lucas holds a master’s degree in sport psychology from the University of New Brunswick, along with bachelor’s degrees from UNB (education) and McGill University (kinesiology). He played university hockey at McGill and UNB, earning academic-all Canadian honours at both schools.

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A player controls the puck along the boards while a coach applies defensive pressure during a drill.

7 Principles for Coaches: Angling

One of seven principles of coaching, angling is a critical defensive technique that helps limit the opponent’s options and create opportunities to regain the puck

September 21, 2024

7 COACHING PRINCIPLES: Skating | Puck Control | Vision & Scanning | Deception | Creative & Dynamic | Angling | Goaltending

Angling is a critical defensive technique in hockey that involves positioning yourself to force an opponent into a less advantageous area of the ice, typically towards the boards or away from the net. This tactic helps limit the opponent’s options, slow down their speed, create opportunities to regain control of the puck and stop their advance.

Limiting Opponent Options

By effectively using angling, a player can reduce the space and time an opponent has to make a play. Forcing the opponent into a confined area of the ice not only disrupts their momentum, but also limits their passing and shooting options. This technique is a key defensive strategy for preventing scoring chances and containing offensive players.

Anticipation & Body Positioning

Successful angling requires anticipation, strong body positioning and stick control. By reading the opponent’s movements and positioning your body properly, a player can control the direction of the play without committing a penalty. The ability to angle well allows players to remain disciplined while still applying pressure and disrupting the opponent’s flow.

Practicing Angling Skills

Incorporating angling drills into practice is essential for mastering this skill. While it’s difficult to replicate the exact game situations players will face, regular practice and repetition are key to becoming proficient. Each angling scenario varies in terms of pace, ice position and the size of the opposing players. Practicing under different conditions helps players to adapt and improve.

Crucial for All Players

Angling is an important skill for both defence and forwards. By mastering angling, players can become more effective in shutting down opponents and regaining puck possession for their team.

Here are three drills that can be used at all ages to teach angling:

Drill #1 – 1-Up/1-Down – Gap Angling Drill

  • Spilt players into four groups using each corner of the ice. Alternate sides.
  • Coach starts the play with “GO.”
  • The defensive player must touch goal line, and the forward with puck must touch the blue line.
  • The defensive player’s goal is to clear puck or skate the puck past the ringette line if they steal it.
  • The forward’s goal is to try to score—one shot/one rebound is allowed per pair.

Drill #2 – Puck Steal Angling Warm-up

  • Line up players at centre ice.
  • Coach in the corner with pucks.
  • The first player in line (Player 1) skates in and takes a shot on net.
  • Player 1 then proceeds to the corner to retrieve a new puck.
  • Player 2 follows Player 1 in for their shot, then steers the player up the boards.
  • Ensure Player 2 executes good stick-on puck and hips-to-glove technique to separate the puck from Player 1.
  • Player 2 goes in for a shot on net.
  • Player 3 follows Player 2 in to repeat the drill.

Drill #3 – Checking Skills – Forecheck Progression

  • Defender 1 and Forward 1 head out to the pylon together.
  • Forward 1 dumps the puck in on Defender 1.
  • Forward 1 attempts to steer Defender 1 out of the play.
  • A second forward can join the forecheck and support Forward 1.
  • Forward 1 and Forward 2 take puck to the net after a change of possession.

The Hockey Canada Network gives coaches and players the tools to succeed with drills, skills, videos, practice plans and articles on their tablet or phone. There are over 1,500 drills and more than 100 lesson plans available.

Looking for more skills and drills? Hockey Canada frequently posts skill videos on its social channels that can be incorporated into practice plans. Search the #HCSkillsCoach and #HCGoalieCoach on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to find more drill videos to utilize on the ice.

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Two players cross while executing a drill.

7 Principles for Coaches: Creative & Dynamic

One of seven principles of coaching, creative and dynamic play unlocks new levels of success in the game by creating confusion within your opponent’s defensive structure

September 20, 2024

7 COACHING PRINCIPLES: Skating | Puck Control | Vision & Scanning | Deception | Creative & Dynamic | Angling | Goaltending

A creative and dynamic player in today’s game is one that plays with pace, is deceptive and thrives in small spaces. These players create confusion within the opposing team’s defensive structure and can separate themselves from defenders to give them a technical advantage. Their ability to read the game and react quickly allows them to consistently outmaneuver opponents.

Impact on Playmaking & Team Success

Creative and dynamic players don’t just showcase their skills—they make plays that drive success for their team. By utilizing their creativity, they extend puck possession, make smarter next plays and create more offensive opportunities for their teammates. This unpredictability keeps defenders guessing and opens the ice for others to capitalize on.

Skills for a Creative & Dynamic Game

Players looking to enhance their creativity and become more dynamic often work on specific skills during practice, such as cutbacks, escapes, jab steps, jukes, stick fakes and head and foot fakes. These techniques allow players to evade defenders while creating time and space, leading to better decision-making and game play execution.

Energizing the Team

Creative and dynamic players boost their own performance while energizing their teammates. Their style of play can lift the entire team’s morale and create a positive ripple effect on the ice. These players often elevate the performance of those around them, making their team more effective and difficult to defend against.

Teaching Creativity & Dynamism at All Age Levels

Fostering creativity and dynamic play should start early and be reinforced at all levels. Encouraging young players to experiment with new moves and take risks builds confidence and adaptability. As they advance, these skills become vital in keeping up with the increasing pace of the game, ensuring they continue to thrive as game-changers.

Here are three drills that can be used at all ages to teach creativity and dynamics:

Drill #1 – Warm Up / 10-Second Conditioning

  • Players line up in three lines along the red line.
  • On the coach’s whistle, players skate into the zone with a puck.
  • Players perform the communicated skill within that area until the next whistle.
  • The coach will vary the desired skills to be performed with the puck.
  • Players should have their eyes up, head on a swivel and keep their feet moving.


1. Navigate/heel skate
2. Heel-to-heel
3. Cutbacks
4. Two players per puck
5. 1v1 keep-away

Drill #2 – Puck Control / 1-on-1 Small Space Attack Sequences

  • Players start on the goal line.
  • Set up pylon – player – pylon on the ice.
  • Weave up and back, attacking the stationary player in the middle and finishing with a shot on net.
  • Alternate sides so the goaltender has time to get set for next shot.


1. Attack triangle (up and back)
2. Open to backhand to protect – cut hands
3. Disrupt stick (stick lift/stick swipe)
4. Add chaser
5. Player in the middle turns and gaps up the puck carrier to play 1v1
6. Chaser and regroup 1v1 (front and back pressure)

Drill #3 – Defence / Puck Control / 3 Puck Stop-and-Go Shooting

  • Three pylons are placed in a triangle formation close to the blue line.
  • Players skate inside out, around outside pylon and visualizing pressure while skating backwards away from it.
  • Players skate around other outside pylon, still visualizing pressure against and incorporating fakes to evade.
  • Repeat one more time, then head in for a shot on net.

The Hockey Canada Network gives coaches and players the tools to succeed with drills, skills, videos, practice plans and articles on their tablet or phone. There are over 1,500 drills and more than 100 lesson plans available.

Looking for more skills and drills? Hockey Canada frequently posts skill videos on its social channels that can be incorporated into practice plans. Search the #HCSkillsCoach and #HCGoalieCoach on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to find more drill videos to utilize on the ice.

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Nine student-athletes added to Creating Coaches program

Fourth cohort of program runs until end of 2025-26 season

September 19, 2024

CALGARY, Alberta – Hockey Canada and U SPORTS have announced the nine student-athletes who have been selected to join Creating Coaches, a program designed to increase the number of women coaching hockey in Canada, as part of its fourth cohort.

The student-athletes will receive training and mentorship through the program during the 2024-25 and 2025-26 seasons.

Creating Coaches was launched in 2021 through a partnership between Hockey Canada, U SPORTS and the Hockey Canada Foundation to provide current U SPORTS student-athletes with opportunities to begin their coaching careers while still playing university women’s hockey.

Each student-athlete will be an assistant coach for a U13, U15 or U18 girls’ hockey team and receive coach education, professional development opportunities and an honorarium.

This year’s cohort includes student-athletes from nine U SPORTS women’s hockey programs across all four of its conferences:

  • Allie Barter (Saint Mary’s University, AUS)
  • Jordyn Blais (University of Regina, CW)
  • Annick Boudreau (Université de Moncton, AUS)
  • Brianna Bowman (Wilfrid Laurier University, OUA)
  • Madison Cronkwright (Brock University, OUA)
  • Maggi Dewolf-Russ (University of Windsor, OUA)
  • Jessymaude Drapeau (Concordia University, RSEQ)
  • Charlotte Melindy (Queen’s University, OUA)
  • Keiara Raitt (University of Waterloo, OUA)

“We are so grateful to the U SPORTS coaches who nominated these nine incredible women to join Creating Coaches at such an exciting and important time for women’s and girls’ hockey in Canada,” said Marin Hickox, vice-president of women’s and girls’ hockey at Hockey Canada. “The first three cohorts of participants have positively impacted the game in so many ways, and we are thrilled to expand this year’s group to include more deserving student-athletes, thanks to the generous financial support of the Hockey Canada Foundation.

“Girls who have been coached by a woman are more likely to transition into a coaching role at the end of their playing careers, and it is our intention that this program will continue to positively influence the recruitment and retention of girls and women in leadership roles in the sport.”

Since its inception, Creating Coaches has included student-athletes from 19 U SPORTS women’s hockey programs and all four of its conferences.

“We are incredibly proud of the U SPORTS athletes who have been selected to join the Creating Coaches program,” said Pierre Arsenault, chief executive officer of U SPORTS. “These student-athletes represent the future of leadership in sport, and their involvement in this program will not only elevate their own careers but also inspire countless others. By stepping into coaching roles, they are helping to build a stronger, more inclusive sports community across Canada.”

The Creating Coaches selection committee includes representation from Hockey Canada, U SPORTS, Hockey Canada’s Members and the Hockey Canada Foundation Board of Directors.

During National Coaches Week, Hockey Canada is celebrating the positive impact coaches have on athletes in communities from coast to coast to coast, with #ThanksCoach resources and features shared here.

For more information on Hockey Canada, please visit, or follow along on Facebook, X, Instagram and TikTok.

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A player looks up the ice while controlling the puck.

7 Principles for Coaches: Deception

One of seven principles of coaching, deception is the art of misleading your opponent—a game-changing skill that can create more time and space with the puck

September 19, 2024

7 COACHING PRINCIPLES: Skating | Puck Control | Vision & Scanning | Deception | Creative & Dynamic | Angling | Goaltending

Deception is the art of misleading your opponent, making them believe you’re going one way when you’re planning to escape in another. This can be a game-changer, creating more time and space with the puck, helping you out-maneuver the opposition and capitalize on opportunities that can turn the tide of a game.

Creating Time & Space

A primary benefit of using deception is the creation of time and space. By deceiving your opponent, you can make them hesitate or commit to a direction, giving you the precious seconds needed to execute your next move.

Vision & Scanning

Successful deception isn’t just about the moves you make; it’s also about vision and awareness. Before attempting a deceptive maneuver, it’s crucial to develop good scanning habits—constantly reading the play, assessing the position of defenders and identifying the safest areas of the ice.

Teaching Deception at All Age Levels

For younger players, deception introduces creativity and critical thinking, allowing them to explore the game in a fun, dynamic way while building confidence and laying the foundation for more advanced techniques as they develop. For older, more experienced players, deception becomes an essential element of elevating their game. Incorporating deception into practice from a young age helps players build the instincts and awareness needed for long-term success.

Here are three drills you can use in practice with all age groups to teach deception:

Drill #1 – Three Line Deception

  • Put players in two or three lines in each end zone. (Goalies/Goalie coach can use NZ for skating skills.
  • Players start near the hashmarks and skate to blue line to perform the move and then skate back to the back of the line.
  • Maximize repetitions and use progressions for players to create deception, quick hands and puck control skills.
  • Forwards and defence perform same skills.
  • Coaches are encouraged to be creative with this template.

Drill #2 – Puck Control – Wall Retrieval – Stick Fakes

  • Place pucks near the hashmark.
  • Player B dumps a puck into the corner for Player A to retrieve.
  • Player A shoulder checks and incorporate a head, stick or foot fake to escape, then proceeds to net for a shot.
  • Player B provide soft pressure.

Drill #3 – Shooting – Fake pass – Off-wing shot

  • Players start lined up, side by side, in the middle of the ice at the blue line.
  • Players cross and proceed together towards the net.
  • Using deception, show a pass and take a shot.
  • Use deception, show a shot and make a pass.

The Hockey Canada Network gives coaches and players the tools to succeed with drills, skills, videos, practice plans and articles on their tablet or phone. There are over 1,500 drills and more than 100 lesson plans available.

Looking for more skills and drills? Hockey Canada frequently posts skill videos on its social channels that can be incorporated into practice plans. Search the #HCSkillsCoach and #HCGoalieCoach on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to find more drill videos to utilize on the ice.

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A defender scans the ice as a play unfolds during a drill.

7 Principles for Coaches: Vision & Scanning

One of seven principles of coaching, the ability to quickly process information visually by scanning all areas on the ice will help give players a competitive edge

September 18, 2024

7 COACHING PRINCIPLES: Skating | Puck Control | Vision & Scanning | Deception | Creative & Dynamic | Angling | Goaltending

Hockey’s fast pace requires players to process visual information quickly to give them a competitive edge. The faster a player can gather, analyze and act on information, the better their chances of executing the next play. This ability to make rapid decisions under pressure can significantly impact overall performance.

A Crucial Skill for All Positions

Scanning, often referred to as shoulder-checking, benefits every position on the ice. It is essential in all areas, allowing players to assess their surroundings. However, simply looking isn’t enough; players must actively “see” and understand the information they’re taking in.

Key Information to Identify

When scanning or looking around on the ice, players should focus on two main sources of information: where their teammates are and where the opposition’s pressure is coming from. Being able to quickly identify these factors will assist in making better decisions with the puck under pressure.

Incorporating Vision Into Training

Vision and scanning habits can be easily practiced and should be a regular part of daily training. When this skill becomes second nature, players will consistently find themselves making successful plays in games, greatly benefiting both their individual performance and the team’s success.

Teaching Puck Control 

Teaching vision and scanning skills at all ages levels is essential for developing well-rounded hockey players. For younger players, learning to consistently scan the ice and identify key information builds a foundation for advance gameplay, improving their overall hockey IQ. As players mature and the speed of the game increases, the ability to process information quickly becomes even more critical. By reinforcing these skills across all age groups, players will become more confident and capable of making smart, spilt-second decisions.

Here are three drills that can be used at all ages to teach puck control:

Drill #1 – Forwards / Puck Protection / Vision Sequence

Progression A

  • Players find a dot and partner.
  • Players position themselves two stick lengths away from each other.
  • One player on the dot turns and protects the puck from their partner.
  • The non-protecting player shows a number on their hand and moves in a circular motion around puck protector.
  • Protecting players must keep their back to partner and should check for changing numbers on the hand.
  • The protecting player calls out the number as their partner moves around.

Progression B

  • Add new player to the group; three players will now execute.
  • Use the same puck protection sequence above on and off the coach’s whistle.
  • The new player adds stress to the situation and hinders the protector’s use of vision and ease of protecting the puck.

Progression C

  • Still in a group of three, remove the number calling and make the player a passing outlet.

Drill #2 – Figure 8 Scanning


  • Defence starts up at the blue line in between two pylons.
  • The player will skate in a figure 8 with the puck always facing the net.
  • Coach should face the player, holding a hand up in the air to show numbers.
  • Defence will visually identify the number and call it out.
  • After 20-25 seconds, the player will go in for a shot.


  • Forwards start on the dot in the corner.
  • Coaches will surround the player, holding one hand in the air.
  • The forward will spot puck along the boards and retrieve it.
  • The forward will skate in a figure 8 puck protection pattern along the wall, while at the same time identifying the number the coach is showing on their hand.
  • After 20-25 seconds, the player will go in for a shot.

Drill #3 – Reading Pressure / Corner Situations

  • One player starts in the corner, one player has a puck on the dot.
  • The player on the dot passes to the player in corner with pressure to the left or right side.


  • Nose-to-nose pressure
  • Shoulder check turn pressure
  • Absorb and spin from pressure
  • Build to 1v1 out of the corner

The Hockey Canada Network gives coaches and players the tools to succeed with drills, skills, videos, practice plans and articles on their tablet or phone. There are over 1,500 drills and more than 100 lesson plans available.

Looking for more skills and drills? Hockey Canada frequently posts skill videos on its social channels that can be incorporated into practice plans. Search the #HCSkillsCoach and #HCGoalieCoach on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to find more drill videos to utilize on the ice.

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A player controls the puck during a drill.

7 Principles for Coaches: Puck Control

One of seven principles of coaching, puck control can significantly enhance a player's effectiveness on the ice by maintaining possession and creating opportunities

September 17, 2024

7 COACHING PRINCIPLES: Skating | Puck Control | Vision & ScanningDeception | Creative & Dynamic | Angling | Goaltending

Puck control is a fundamental skill that can significantly enhance a player's effectiveness on the ice. At its core, puck control involves the ability to maintain possession, create opportunities and contribute to your team's success. Mastering puck control allows players to maneuver confidently under pressure, execute precise plays and ultimately influence the outcome of the game.

Enhancing Time & Space

By skillfully handling the puck, players force defenders to react, often opening gaps in the defence. This extra time and space allows players to make better decisions, whether it’s passing, shooting or setting up the next play, giving them an advantage over opponents.

Building Skills Through Progression

Players should start with stationary puck-handling before moving onto handling the puck while moving, then adding teammates and game scenarios. This structured approach ensures they build confidence and can handle the puck in competitive situations.

Incorporating Vision & Scanning

Effective puck control isn’t just about technical skills; it also requires good vision and awareness. Developing strong scanning habits is essential—constantly reading the play, assessing the positions of defenders and identifying open areas of the ice. Combining puck control with situational awareness, players can make smarter decisions, avoid pressure and improve overall performance.

Teaching Puck Control at All Age Levels

Puck control is a skill that should be taught and reinforced at all age levels. For younger players, learning these skills early lays a solid foundation for their development, enabling them to build confidence and enjoy the game more. As players advance, refining puck control becomes even more critical as the speed and complexity of the game increase. Regardless of a player's age or skill level, strong puck control is an essential component of hockey that can lead to long-term success and enjoyment of the game.

Here are three drills that can be used at all ages to teach puck control:

Drill #1 – Puck Control Combinations

  • Form two lines in one end. Players will perform skills down the middle of the ice and back along the boards.
  • Maximize reps and use progressions for players to create deception; use quick hands and puck control skills.
  • Forwards and defence perform the same skills.
  • Goalie coach works with goalies at far end.

Forward puck control skills:

1. Heel skate
2. Heel skate / stride combination
3. Wide narrow stick handles
4. Heel to heel
5. Stride / one-crossover combination
6. Cutbacks
7. Continuous crossovers
8. 1v1 triangle moves

Drill #2 – Defence Escape Triangle

  • Place three pylons in a triangle, set up on each side of the ice.
  • Transition at top pylon (heels first/toes first) and turn away from each of the bottom pylons.
  • Teach skating first, then add a puck.

Skill progressions at the bottom of the triangle:

1. Ride inside edge—toes up ice (No puck / add puck)
2. Escape turns
3. Half-escape turns
4. Random escapes, add touch passes with coach

Drill #3 – Scoring / Corner Drive D / Double Delay

  • Players start in the corner with pucks.
  • Player leaves corner, drives hard around circle, performs a tight turn and delays back towards corner.
  • Perform another tight turn and skate in the original direction towards the net.
  • Finish with a shot on net.
  • Add a defender for a progression.

The Hockey Canada Network gives coaches and players the tools to succeed with drills, skills, videos, practice plans and articles on their tablet or phone. There are over 1,500 drills and more than 100 lesson plans available.

Looking for more skills and drills? Hockey Canada frequently posts skill videos on its social channels that can be incorporated into practice plans. Search the #HCSkillsCoach and #HCGoalieCoach on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to find more drill videos to utilize on the ice.

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A player controls the puck while skating down the ice.

7 Principles for Coaches: Skating

In the first of seven principles of coaching, these three skating drills can be used at any age to teach this fundamental skill required for every position in hockey

September 16, 2024

7 COACHING PRINCIPLES: Skating | Puck Control | Vision & Scanning | Deception | Creative & Dynamic | Angling | Goaltending

Skating is a fundamental skill required for every position in hockey. Speed, acceleration, agility and power are essential for forwards, defence and goaltenders alike. Without strong skating abilities, players are unable to perform to their full potential on the ice.

Importance of Skating 

Skating is not about moving up and down the ice; it plays a crucial role in maximizing puck control, passing accuracy and shooting opportunities. Strong skating allows players to separate from opponents and keep pace with the play, enabling them to create better scoring chances and make smarter decisions with the puck.

Focus on Small-Space Skating

A significant portion of the game is now being played below the goal line or along the boards, making small-space skating critical. When working on skating, players should focus on agility, balance, edge work and turning in these confined areas. These transferable skills are key to maintaining control and out-maneuvering opponents in tight situations.

Incorporating Vision & Scanning

As the pace of hockey continues to increase, developing strong vision and scanning habits are essential. Players must learn to read the ice instinctually, adapting quickly to make effective plays. Good vision paired with solid skating skills will help players stay ahead of the game and make successful decisions on the fly.

Teaching Skating at All Age Levels

Skating is the foundation upon which all other skills are built. Teaching proper skating techniques early on will help young players develop balance, agility and confidence.

Here are three drills that can be used at all ages to teach skating:

Drill #1 – Skating Agility Combinations

  • Form two lines at hash marks; players perform skills down the middle of the ice and back along the boards.
  • Repetitions and progressions to create deception, quick hands and puck control skills.
  • Forwards and defence perform same skills.
  • Goalie coach works with goalies at far end.

Forward puck control skills to be done: No puck

  1. Inside edge/Inside edge hops
  2. Outside edges
  3. Heel-to-heel left/right
  4. Heel-to-heel double pump
  5. Undercut (left/right leg)
  6. Backwards
  7. Backwards inside edge holds
  8. Backwards one crossover
  9. Backwards shuffle
  10. Lateral crossovers

Drill #2 – Four-Pylon Agility Forwards

  • Place four pylons on the circle (use both end zones to maximize player activity).
  • Players start by going around the pylons in a random fashion.
  • Multiple players at the same time: one is a puck carrier and one is chasing trying to steal puck.
  • Progress to having no pylons, playing keep away.
  • Set up in each end to give forwards more reps.
  • Finish with a shot on net.

Drill #3 – Five-Puck Agility Defence

  • Place five pucks in neutral zone as shown.
  • Player must skate around each of the outside pucks.
  • Always come back to the middle before skating around outside pucks again, toe pointing forward during transitions.
  • Progress to using pucks, adding a chaser and to removing the obstacles to make it game applicable.

The Hockey Canada Network gives coaches and players the tools to succeed with drills, skills, videos, practice plans and articles on their tablet or phone. There are over 1,500 drills and more than 100 lesson plans available.

Looking for more skills and drills? Hockey Canada frequently posts skill videos on its social channels that can be incorporated into practice plans. Search the #HCSkillsCoach and #HCGoalieCoach on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to find more drill videos to utilize on the ice.

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For more information:

Esther Madziya
Manager, Communications
Hockey Canada

(403) 284-6484 

[email protected] 

Spencer Sharkey
Manager, Communications
Hockey Canada

(403) 777-4567

[email protected]

Jeremy Knight
Manager, Corporate Communications
Hockey Canada

(647) 251-9738

[email protected]

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Lloydminster, AB, Canada
Date: Apr 20 to 26
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The Fraser Valley, BC, Canada
Date: Apr 21 to 27
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Date: May 8 to 18
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Date: May 9 to 25