2011 Esso Cup

Notre Dame Hounds 5 - Edmonton Thunder 2



ST. ALBERT, Alta. – The Notre Dame Hounds (West) never lost heart.

From settling for silver in 2010 to defeating the Edmonton Thunder (Pacific)  5-2 to for thegoldmedal in 2011, there’s no doubt the Hounds were determined to make their Esso Cup dreams come true.

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And that they did Saturday night on the ice at Servus Place, with team captain Jennifer More(Deloraine,Man.) getting her team a step closer by jumping on a powerplay chance and redirecting a DaniellaMatteucci(Fruitvale, B.C.) shot to give the first Notre Dame goal of the night just five minutes into thefirst.Taylor Woods (Wilcox, Sask.) also assisted to help make it happen.

But the Edmonton Thunder, who finished in first during preliminary action at the 2011 Esso Cup andmadetheir third straight appearance at the tournament in St. Albert, appeared to be just as determined toclaimCanada’s National Female Midget Championship bragging rights, with Thunder captain HeatherKashmancapitalizing on a powerplay by letting a quick snap shot go and sending the puck into the back of theNotreDame net at 12:32 in the period.

Edmonton was able to hold off the Hounds through most of the second, but Natasha Kostenko(Fannystelle,Man.) fed Courtney Jacklin (Regina, Sask.)  at 16:25 in the period, putting thegame-winning goal on thescoreboard.

From that point on, Notre Dame claimed the game, and ultimately the gold medal as their own, withMorescoring her second goal of the night, again on the powerplay. Alyssa Threadkell (Cold Lake, Alta.)followedup with another for the Hounds, and while Jessica Sekulic (Edmonton, Alta.) tried to get her teamback in thegame at 18:49, Olivia Howe (Moose Jaw, Sask.) scored on the empty Edmonton net in the last 20seconds of thegame to seal the 5-2 win.

So, just as Notre Dame alumna Mandi Schwartz “never lost heart” despite losing her long battleagainstleukemia, the Hounds competing at the 2011 Esso Cup never did either, inspired by the strengthandperseverance of the players that come before them.


Game Information
Game Number 19 Round Gold
Arena Servus Place City, Country St. Albert, Alta.
Month / Day / Year 04/23/2011 Time 06:00 PM MT
Game Status Final

Box Score   1     2     3   Total
Notre Dame Hounds (WST) 1 1 3 5
Edmonton Thunder (PAC) 1 0 1 2

First Period
   04:59 WST 14 Jennifer More (11 Daniella Matteucci, 2 Taylor Woods) PP
   12:32 PAC 4 Heather Kashman (21 Kirsten Reeves, 8 Samantha Schulz) PP

   04:08 PAC 7 Stephanie Zvonkovic (Bodychecking)
   12:12 WST 14 Jennifer More (Tripping)

Second Period
   16:25 WST 10 Courtenay Jacklin (8 Natasha Kostenko)

   02:34 PAC 2 Laura Bennett (Interference)
   02:48 WST 10 Courtenay Jacklin (Tripping)
   07:38 PAC 8 Samantha Schulz (Holding)
   12:34 PAC 21 Kirsten Reeves (Tripping)
   19:00 WST 20 Danielle Leslie (Hooking)

Third Period
   14:06 WST 7 Brittany Berisoff (10 Courtenay Jacklin, 8 Natasha Kostenko)
   14:58 WST 14 Jennifer More (5 Kirsten Toth, 16 Olivia Howe) PP
   18:49 PAC 9 Jessica Sekulic (17 Rachel Johnson) PP
   19:39 WST 16 Olivia Howe (20 Danielle Leslie, 2 Taylor Woods) EN

   03:31 WST 7 Brittany Berisoff (Interference)
   14:35 PAC 22 Alison Campbell (Elbowing)
   18:17 WST 2 Taylor Woods (Tripping)

Notre Dame Hounds
1 Samantha Langford On 1/00:00 Off 3/20:00
Edmonton Thunder
31 Morgan Glover On 1/00:00 Off 3/18:38

Shots on Goal   1     2     3   Total
Notre Dame Hounds 13 11 11 35
Edmonton Thunder 6 8 10 24

Player of the Game
Notre Dame Hounds 14 Jennifer More
Edmonton Thunder 4 Heather Kashman
Referee Lacey Senuk
Lines People Kayla Keeping, Arron Best
For more information:
Jeff Beck Manager, Marketing Services and Events | Responsable, services de marketing et événements

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